Do’s and Don’ts for Marathoner during offseason

March 13, 2023

  Marathon runner- do’s and dont’s banner by Physiocure Home for everything physio can cure As a marathon runner, the offseason is an essential period for rest and recovery after months of hard training and racing. Here are some Dos and Don’ts to consider during the offseason: Do’s: Take a break: Give your body and mind a break from the intense training and racing. Take a few weeks off from…


Hamstring Exercise fundamentals in HSI

February 23, 2023

  Hamstring Injury Blog Banner by Physiocure Home for everything physio can cure  Injuries to the hamstring muscles compromise individual performance and team success in many sports. Hamstrings strain injury ( HSI)  is one of the common injuries that plague many sports like football, cricket, running, athletics, and many more but there is no systematic data available stating the prevalence of the injury in India. The hamstrings are involved in…


Hip Injuries In Sports – A Sports Physio’s Take

Hip Injuries In Sports
November 9, 2021

  With more and more and people pursuing active lifestyles, hip injuries in sports have become a concern in terms of loss of time and talent. A lot of the regular people have taken up regular cycling, football, running, etc. type of sports to maintain their health and/or as a leisure sport. We have seen a rise in the cases of hip injuries in athletic as well as active individuals…


Active Women And The Menstrual Cycle

Active Women And The Menstrual Cycle
April 9, 2021

For long I’ve discussed with my clients about benefits of regular exercises on the menstrual cycle and working out based on your menstrual cycle. I have personally experienced the benefits of reduced cramps and back pain during the menstrual phase and now I sync my workouts according to my menstrual cycle. If you are a women who loves to work out just like me, but does not feel like doing…


9 Ultimate Foam Roll Moves

9 Ultimate Foam Roll Moves
January 5, 2021

Professional athletes and well-researched fitness guys resort to foam rolling regularly to keep all kinds of sports injuries at bay Foam rolling describes a form of self-massage that uses body weight in conjunction with a device such as a foam roller or roller massager to apply pressure to tight tissues. This is done in order to increase myofascial compliance and optimize muscle length-tension relationships. research says that muscles in our…


Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator Cuff Injuries
August 14, 2018

With advance in newer treatment techniques, it is imperative as a physio for me to make you understand different kinds of shoulder pains. Another reason to pursue this topic is to provide readers help for rotator cuff pain and understand the differences in rotator cuff pain vs frozen shoulders. In this article we will be discussing mainly about Rotator cuff injuries (RCI)  which occur in normal individuals. RCI includes the…


Meniscal Injuries

Meniscal Injuries
August 10, 2018

It’s high time a layman knows some facts about meniscal injuries that happen while playing various sports. one of them and the most important being u don’t need surgery to recover properly from a meniscal tear!! This Meniscal injury is common in sports such as football, rugby and other high-intensity contact sports but is also common, with no major trauma, as degenerative tears in older athletes or sedentary individuals. They…