Physiocure | The sports Rehab clinic. Overhead Squat Assesment - Physiocure

Overhead Squat Assesment

Are you a sports professional, an athlete, or a fitness freak, do you succumb to lower-body injuries very easily or do you want to correct your body alignment???

How can a squat assessment help you?

Basically, a squat assessment can help us gauge

  • the possibility of deficiency in mobility in the hip, knee, or ankle joints.
  • secondly, it helps us identify muscle weaknesses in the lower back, hip, or ankle which have a scope of improvement.
  • thirdly it could be contributing to an injury that would develop on practicing a wrong form of squat.
  • lastly, you can get it done to get the form right from the beginning itself or if you are gyming after an injury or surgery in the lowerbody.

for instance, your squat could look like this when observed from behind but you may not be able to

asymmetric squats
asymmetric squats

understand the faults. this fault is very common with individuals recovering from a knee injury or a knee surgery, so as an experienced physio I would advise you to get the assessment done for activating the correct neuromuscular pattern during the squat

Just one simple test of Over Head Squat Assessment (OHSA) can highlight the shortcomings in your form and help you perform better.

The ability to squat is essential in life whether you are a sports person or just a regular person. You need to squat for your daily activities right from the age of 2 to 80 years old. A lot of patients come to us not knowing how to squat because of lifestyle issues, on the other hand, a lot of sports players, who come in for treatments have shown asymmetrical strength and weaknesses, we could identify through this simple test to help then recover completely from their back/hip/knee/ankle injury.

When you are squatting, all the muscles in the linkage right from your toe to the spine to the shoulder and neck muscles must work in co-ordination and appropriately to produce an effective squat.

An OHSA requires you to perform squats for around 5-10 reps and the form of your squats are assessed through 3 different angles

if there are any faults in performing the squats, the same are identified and a correction program is made to help you perform better.

faulty squat pattern- front view


faulty squat pattern- side view

fill in the OHSA form and come over to get yourself corrected. if you cannot we can do this assessment

for you.

PS:- OHSA is not the only tool, it forms a part of a group of the examination for various musculoskeletal/sports injuries.

Overhead Squat Assesment form