It’s almost a year since Coronavirus has taken the world for a 360-degree ride, spreading from one country to another, uprooting millions not only from good health but by wealth also. As an empath I really felt how can I help society, to help recover from this disease. definitely, I’m not the first line corona warrior, that would be your physician and nurses, but exercise is essential to get those lungs and other body parts functioning well.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are
- Fever
- Dry cough
- Fatigue
Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include:
- Loss of taste or smell,
- Nasal congestion,
- Conjunctivitis (also known as red eyes)
- Sore throat,
- Headache,
- Muscle or joint pain,
- Different types of skin rash,
- Nausea or vomiting,
- Diarrhea,
- Chills or dizziness.
. Once stable and if indicated the main goal in respiratory physiotherapy is to mobilize secretions and ease the work of breathing
Some people who have had COVID-19, whether they have needed hospitalization or not, continue to experience symptoms, including fatigue, respiratory and neurological symptoms.
For all those individuals diagnosed with asymptomatic covid or mild covid problems, there are still some difficulties that may hinder you to spring back to normalcy once you have tested negative. they could be:-
- Fatigue
- Breathing difficulty in activities that require exertion
- weight loss causing general weakness
- mild aches and pains in different parts of the body
- stress/anxiety/depression.
Research has quoted that
Physiotherapy will have a strong role in providing exercise, mobilisation and rehabilitation interventions to survivors of critical illness myopathies associated with COVID-19 in order to enable a functional return to home.
In the early stages of COVID-19 and respiratory distress, care is advised when planning a treatment program. Common modalities often used by respiratory physiotherapists may be contraindicated in the acute phase as they may further compromise the increased work of breathing.
ContraindicatedĀ interventions include:
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Pursed lips breathing
- Bronchial hygiene/lung re-expansion techniques (PEP Bottle, EzPAPĀ®, cough machines, etc.)
- Incentive spirometry
- Manual mobilization techniques or stretching of the rib cage
- Nasal washings
- Respiratory muscle training
- Exercise training
- Patient mobilization during clinical instability
however one must take note that;
Physio & yoga will have a role in the rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients who have not returned to their functional baseline, once they are no longer unwell
So, to contribute to society, along with a dear friend and a skilled yoga practitioner Disha Gala, we have compiled a video to deal with few symptoms which may prevail post corona.
In this blog and the video posted, we have presented a 5 part solution regarding the same as:
- Breathing exercises to improve Lung function
- Yoga poses to improve general mobility
- 6-minute walk test to determine the walking capacity
- Tips to deal with mental health issues
- Tips to ensure a nutrient-rich diet to recover from COVID symptoms
watch this …..hope it helps