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Low Back Pain
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

Low Back Pain

Over the decades, a lot of work has been done in an attempt to reduce the negative impact of low back pain (LBP), and help patients recover and maintain a better quality of life. After the first episode of Low Back Pain, the risk of further episodes is quite high,
Neck Pain
Musculoskeletal Problems

Neck Pain

Human anatomy showing wrong postures of using the phone. Wrong angle look at the device screen, causing a problem called “text neck”. Life has taken a different turn in the year 2020, with the lock down bringing about a change in the workstyle for most people all over the world,
Knee Cap Cartilage Tear
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

Knee Cap Cartilage Tear

Chondromalacia patellae is a condition affecting the knee cap (also known as the patella bone) at the knee joint which results because the cartilage of the knee cap softens and undergoes wear and tear. Pain & crepitus are most often experienced in and around the knee cap. You may experience
Frozen Shoulder
Musculoskeletal Problems

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder is a condition causing severe shoulder pain and difficulty in moving the arm in different directions leading to disability in daily life. The three hallmarks of frozen shoulder are: 1. Gradual shoulder stiffness 2. Severe pain (even at night) 3. Near complete loss of range of movement at
Tennis Elbow
Musculoskeletal Problems

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis is a condition that causes pain over the outer aspect of the elbow. Up to 50% of all tennis players experience some type of elbow pain, and 75–80% of these elbow complaints are attributed to tennis elbow. It most commonly presents in men
Shin Splints
sports injuries

Shin Splints

Shin splints are usually caused more commonly in athletes. Clinically, it is also called a ‘Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome’. Shin splints are pain that commonly occurs either in the front part or the inner part of the lower leg.                       
Tips To Prevent Back Pain
Musculoskeletal Problems

Tips To Prevent Back Pain

Whether prevention is effective or not, depends on the person suffering from back pain and his/her motivation to deal with it actively. research for years has suggested that exercise along with education regarding lower back pain and ergonomic adjustments works just fine in solving the problems of back pain. so
Tips To Prevent Neck Pain
Musculoskeletal Problems

Tips To Prevent Neck Pain

Avoid slouching during sitting, standing or lying down. Always try to keep your head in line with your shoulders and not let it rest forward. If you use an office computer, the desk should be at appropriate height such that the screen is at eye level. Also, the chair or
Preganancy And Exercises
Musculoskeletal Problems

Pregnancy And Exercises

Currently a very small % of women exercise at the recommended levels in India. In fact most obstetricians recommended avoiding exercise. There are lot of myths in terms of exercising during pregnancy, namely Physical activity has detrimental effects such as increasing body temperature. There is an increased risk of congenital
Safe Exercises In Preganacy
pre and post natal care

Safe Exercises In Preganacy

Safely exercising during pregnancy has more perks than dangers. I have mentioned in almost all my pre and postnatal articles, that when u are able to exercise throughout your pregnancy, it prepares your body well for childbirth as well as for postpartum issues you may face. In this article, I
Effects of Exercises in Pregnancy
pre and post natal care

Effects of Exercises in Pregnancy

For long now, women have been scared away from exercising during pregnancy, but there are more and more articles floating on the web talking about all the positive effects of exercising during a normal pregnancy. At Physiocure, we advise all women with a normal pregnancy to adopt some form of
Overhead Squat Assesment

Overhead Squat Assesment

Are you a sports professional, an athlete, or a fitness freak, do you succumb to lower-body injuries very easily or do you want to correct your body alignment??? How can a squat assessment help you? Basically, a squat assessment can help us gauge the possibility of deficiency in mobility in
Squats During Pregnancy
pre and post natal care

Squats During Pregnancy

Each woman has a different take on pregnancy based on the lifestyle, culture, general fitness, complications accompanied with the pregnancy. In this article we want to show research based benefits of squats during a “HEALTHY PREGNANCY”. We strictly advise your to consult a gynaecologist and your ANC consultant before you
Acute Injury Management
Services, sports injuries

Acute Injury Management

Musculoskeletal or sports injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising. There are two kinds of injuries: Acute injuries occur suddenly when playing or exercising. For example: Sprained ankles. Strained backs. Broken bones. Chronic injuries happen after you play a sport or exercise for a long time. The first 24-48
ACL Injury
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

ACL Injury

Knee injuries, especially the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)  injuries, are a potentially devastating problem among athletes and impose substantial time loss in a player’s career and financial burdens on athletes’ families and the healthcare system. In this blog we intend inform about exercises for ACL recovery as well. ACL INJURY
Why Do You Get ACL Injuries
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

Why Do You Get ACL Injuries

Sometimes knowing just why do you get ACL injuries can help u clear your mind and take the next step well. The reason I came up with a separate article on why do ACL injuries occur is that I’ve met more than 100 clients who experienced confusion, mind fogging or
Prevention Exercises and Tips For ACL Injury
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

Prevention Exercises and Tips For ACL Injury

    acl tear As Indians are adopting to more sporting lifestyle to maintain fitness or for leisure, the number of ACL tears reported has risen drastically. Earlier the age groups were either sporting population, females or accidental ACL Tears but, recently young adolescents playing sports like Football, Kabaddi, Cricket,
Movement Based Therapy
assesment, Musculoskeletal Problems, Services

Movement Based Therapy

What is this movement based therapy? Its 2020, we all are partly or completely urbanized and clearly we all need some guidance on how to move. Now thats where physio’s can play a crucial part apart from various other exercise science experts. Let me tell you how!! There are a
Musculoskeletal Problems


A physiotherapists approach to headache has been suppressed or ignored for long . in this article I intend to educate you how u can solve your headache or vertigo issue just with physiotherapy Headache is a symptom of diseases or a disorder of many origins in the body including the
Bad Posture Vs Good Posture
Musculoskeletal Problems

Bad Posture Vs Good Posture

Good posture is a good habit that contributes to the wellbeing of the individual. The structure and function of the body provide the potential for attaining and maintaining good posture. Conversely, Bad posture is a bad habit and, unfortunately, is all too common . Postural faults have their origin in
Training For The Mumbai Marathon….Try Deep Water Running
sports injuries

Training For The Mumbai Marathon….Try Deep Water Running

With Mumbai marathon scheduled in January of each year, all those who’ve been taking up training for professionals for the marathon, here’s a different way of treating if you are injured or recovering if you think the training has gone too intense. Individuals who perform land based training exercises such
The Running Shoe ?
sports injuries

The Running Shoe ?

As more and more people resort to running for health and fitness, so have the number of  Running injuries increased. A visit to Physiocure we can help you educate with the foot types, shoe designs and a simple examination can reveal which foot type you run with and is your current running
sports injuries


Running is one of the most popular sports in the world. This not only covers marathons and track and field running – running is also part of the training in virtually all other sports, including soccer, rugby, handball and triathlon. Modified levels and intensities of running can also be used
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Musculoskeletal Problems

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Pain in front portion of the knee, in and around the knee cap (Patella) is known as Anterior Knee Pain. This is a broad term which includes number of diagnosis like Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) and patellar tendinopathy. As per research around 20-40% knee injuires are reported in this
Patellar Tendinopathy
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

Patellar Tendinopathy

Patellar tendinopathy is a common painful, overuse disorder, often presenting with knee pain in the front portion below the knee cap area.Also commonly known as Runner’s knee or Jumper’s knee. A thorough history and physical examination are necessary, but imaging can also aid in the diagnosis. The majority of cases
Meniscal Injuries
sports injuries

Meniscal Injuries

It’s high time a layman knows some facts about meniscal injuries that happen while playing various sports. one of them and the most important being u don’t need surgery to recover properly from a meniscal tear!! This Meniscal injury is common in sports such as football, rugby and other high-intensity
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Musculoskeletal Problems

Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

After coming across the normal thought process of most patients visiting our clinic, we decided to put forward a small write up to make a layman understand that “not all shoulder pains are frozen shoulders”. It is estimated that 30% of people will experience shoulder pain sometime during life (Lewis
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

Rotator Cuff Injuries

With advance in newer treatment techniques, it is imperative as a physio for me to make you understand different kinds of shoulder pains. Another reason to pursue this topic is to provide readers help for rotator cuff pain and understand the differences in rotator cuff pain vs frozen shoulders. In
Shoulder Pain
Musculoskeletal Problems

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a common problem which lot of regular or athletic population face during their life time. However, identifying the source of this shoulder pain can get better insights to the resolution of the problem. shoulder pain Understanding shoulder pain This requires knowledge of the structures involved the activity
Post Natal Back Pain - A Personal Take
pre and post natal care

Post Natal Back Pain – A Personal Take

Its been a while since I wanted to share my personal experience of dealing with post pregnancy back pain and finally I decided to share my experience .Post Natal Back pain has been a trouble to 90% of the moms and its been their reason of being afraid to exercises
What Examination To Expect In A Physio Clinic ?
assesment, Services

What Examination To Expect In A Physio Clinic ?

This is a very common question that haunts a lot of people who visit a physio clinic for the first time or are visiting us for the first time. As an experienced therapist, i believe, a proper examination will , not just on the first visit but on each and
Sports Physiotherapy Explained
sports injuries, Sports Injuries

What can a Sports Physiotherapist do?

After years of clients asking me the difference between regular physiotherapy and sports physiotherapy, i decided to put a small blog on it. there is quite a bit of difference in the working style of physios in sports. it may not involve usage of too many machines, and it may
Knee Rehabilitation From Physio's Perspective - Beginner's Level
Musculoskeletal Problems

Knee Rehabilitation From Physio’s Perspective – Beginner’s Level

Anyone can be a victim of a knee injury; whether you are a professional athlete, a weekend fitness buff or someone just busy carrying out your day-to-day activities. The knee joint is unique in that it carries body weight at the same time as it provides flexibility and mobility. It
How To Deal With Ankle Sprains ?
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

How To Deal With Ankle Sprains ?

Ankle sprain is a common injury seen in 80% of the population. It usually occurs due to an ankle twist happening in the inwards or outwards direction. most people experience ankle while running or sudden ankle pain without injury or just plain ankle pain, no swelling or just right foot
How Does Online Physio Consultation Work

How Does Online Physio Consultation Work

  We have served dozens of people during and post lock down. Get easy access to an experienced physio consultation from the comfort of your home. For more details check out  our client reviews at  
Tips To Deal With Post COVID Problems
Cardiorespiratory Problems

Tips To Deal With Post COVID Problems

It’s almost a year since Coronavirus has taken the world for a 360-degree ride, spreading from one country to another, uprooting millions not only from good health but by wealth also. As an empath I really felt how can I help society, to help recover from this disease. definitely, I’m
9 Ultimate Foam Roll Moves
Services, sports injuries

9 Ultimate Foam Roll Moves

Professional athletes and well-researched fitness guys resort to foam rolling regularly to keep all kinds of sports injuries at bay Foam rolling describes a form of self-massage that uses body weight in conjunction with a device such as a foam roller or roller massager to apply pressure to tight tissues.
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries


What is Sciatica? In simple language, Sciatica is back pain running down on one side of the back of your leg. It is a commonly known medical term. The pain experienced may be sudden or gradual and it may be accompanied with pins and needles sensation in the leg. It
10 Pain Relief Hacks

10 Pain Relief Hacks

Its almost the end of 2021, vaccination for most of us is done but, the number of aches and pain are not going away so soon. recently the number of clients with musculoskeletal pain at more than 2 or 3 sites in the body have increased in the clinics. hence
Active Women And The Menstrual Cycle
pre and post natal care, sports injuries

Active Women And The Menstrual Cycle

active women For long I’ve discussed with my clients about benefits of regular exercises on the menstrual cycle and working out based on your menstrual cycle. I have personally experienced the benefits of reduced cramps and back pain during the menstrual phase and now I sync my workouts according to
Hip Injuries In Sports
Musculoskeletal Problems, sports injuries

Hip Injuries In Sports – A Sports Physio’s Take

  With more and more and people pursuing active lifestyles, hip injuries in sports have become a concern in terms of loss of time and talent. A lot of the regular people have taken up regular cycling, football, running, etc. type of sports to maintain their health and/or as a
Musculoskeletal Problems, Sports Injury

How to treat Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendon injury is the third most common sports injury in the area of the foot, after ankle sprains and plantar fasciitis. The prevalence of the injury is estimated to be 11% of all running injuries in athletes. One-fourth of the Achilles tendinopathies is located at lower portion of the
sports injuries, Sports Injuries

Hamstring Exercise fundamentals in HSI

  Hamstring Injury Blog Banner by Physiocure Home for everything physio can cure  Injuries to the hamstring muscles compromise individual performance and team success in many sports. Hamstrings strain injury ( HSI)  is one of the common injuries that plague many sports like football, cricket, running, athletics, and many more
sports injuries, Wellness

Do’s and Don’ts for Marathoner during offseason

  Marathon runner- do’s and dont’s banner by Physiocure Home for everything physio can cure As a marathon runner, the offseason is an essential period for rest and recovery after months of hard training and racing. Here are some Dos and Don’ts to consider during the offseason: Do’s: Take a
Musculoskeletal Problems

Riding the Road to Relief: Managing Wrist, Neck, and Back Pain for Bikers

Introduction Riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience, offering a sense of freedom and adventure that’s hard to replicate with any other mode of transportation. However, like any physical activity, it comes with its share of challenges, and one common issue faced by bikers is neck and back pain. Prolonged