- Avoid slouching during sitting, standing or lying down.
- Always try to keep your head in line with your shoulders and not let it rest forward.
- If you use an office computer, the desk should be at appropriate height such that the screen is at eye level. Also, the chair or the desk should have good forearm support available with shoulders relaxed at the side of the body.
- Sitting in front of the computer, try to sit with weight on the tail bone and not on your feet.
- If you use a pillow, it shouldn’t be too firm as the neck muscles are not relaxed. If it is too soft, the
head sinks into the pillow and does not adequately support the neck during lying. The pillow should be such that it adequately provides support to the curve of your neckwhile sleeping.
- If you are used to sleeping on your stomach then avoid using a pillow as it bends the neck backwards causing pain. A pillow can be used when you sleep on your side.
- Take a break from using the mobile phone frequently. Change the hand while using the mobile. Using mobile stands which keep the neck at a comfortable angle rather than bent, helps avoid neck pain.
- While driving a car, the distance between the driving wheel and the car seat should be such that the elbows will be slightly bent.
- Use a pillow in the driver’s seat if you are not able to see the road while driving.
- If you carry a heavy one sided bag, change sides frequently as the neck and shoulder muscles of that side will become tight or may spasm leading to pain.
8.If you carry a backpack, the strap height should be such that the backpack rests on your upper back to avoid slouching.
9.When you use a posture correction brace it helps with neck pain to some extent.
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Tips to prevent Neck Pain
few tips to prevent neck pain due to a faulty posture
Kunjal Shah
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