Whether prevention is effective or not, depends on the person suffering from back pain and his/her motivation to deal with it actively. research for years has suggested that exercise along with education regarding lower back pain and ergonomic adjustments works just fine in solving the problems of back pain. so here are some tips to prevent the low back pain at all:-
1. Sitting for long hours puts more pressure on the disc which may ultimately lead to back pain or disc prolapse. So it is important to change position every 15 mins to half an hour to reduce the load on the disc.
2. If you are unable to move around and have to sit for a long time, doing buttock squeezes will activate the back and hip muscles.
3. Use a foot stool and alternately shift weight if you have to stand for long hours.
4. For housewives, when you cook in the kitchen, avoid leaning on the platform.
5. Sitting in an office chair, use a lower back support rather than slouching.
6. Frequently stand and bend backwards and forwards from your lower back and hips. This will help stretch out your back.
7. Walk for at least 30 mins everyday.
8. Reduction of fat around the abdomen helps reduce the strain on your lower back which helps reduce back pain.
9. Proper weight lifting techniques. If you lift a heavy weight from the ground, let the object be in between your legs, squat and then lift it up.
10. Pregnant women experiencing back pain can use a supportive belt which reduces the load of the pregnant uterus on the back.
11. Take a strategic break in between your strenuous activities or matches in case you are a sports player.
12. follow a Prehab for low back pain during your offseason period if you are a sports player