How to treat Achilles Tendinopathy

August 11, 2022

Achilles Tendon injury is the third most common sports injury in the area of the foot, after ankle sprains and plantar fasciitis. The prevalence of the injury is estimated to be 11% of all running injuries in athletes. One-fourth of the Achilles tendinopathies is located at lower portion of the back of the heel Middle-aged male athletes are considered to have a greater risk of developing Achilles Tendon injury, although…



August 6, 2018

Running is one of the most popular sports in the world. This not only covers marathons and track and field running – running is also part of the training in virtually all other sports, including soccer, rugby, handball and triathlon. Modified levels and intensities of running can also be used as alternative training for most athletes with certain types of injuries Running is a very efficient method for maintaining or…


Overhead Squat Assesment

Overhead Squat Assesment
July 13, 2018

Are you a sports professional, an athlete, or a fitness freak, do you succumb to lower-body injuries very easily or do you want to correct your body alignment??? How can a squat assessment help you? Basically, a squat assessment can help us gauge the possibility of deficiency in mobility in the hip, knee, or ankle joints. secondly, it helps us identify muscle weaknesses in the lower back, hip, or ankle…