Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain
August 14, 2018

Shoulder pain is a common problem which lot of regular or athletic population face during their life time. However, identifying the source of this shoulder pain can get better insights to the resolution of the problem. Understanding shoulder pain This requires knowledge of the structures involved the activity which lead to the pain and the present or past history of events. For example, a regular individual who complains of shoulder…


Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
August 13, 2018

After coming across the normal thought process of most patients visiting our clinic, we decided to put forward a small write up to make a layman understand that “not all shoulder pains are frozen shoulders”. It is estimated that 30% of people will experience shoulder pain sometime during life (Lewis 2009b, p. 259). ‘The incidence of shoulder pain increases substantially with age, and for people over 65 years of age…


Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder
June 28, 2018

Frozen Shoulder is a condition causing severe shoulder pain and difficulty in moving the arm in different directions leading to disability in daily life. The three hallmarks of frozen shoulder are: 1. Gradual shoulder stiffness 2. Severe pain (even at night) 3. Near complete loss of range of movement at the shoulder. Laboratory tests and x-rays are usually normal. There are 3 different stages of Frozen Shoulder: Stage 1: The…