Overhead Squat Assesment

Overhead Squat Assesment
July 13, 2018

Are you a sports professional, an athlete, or a fitness freak, do you succumb to lower-body injuries very easily or do you want to correct your body alignment??? How can a squat assessment help you? Basically, a squat assessment can help us gauge the possibility of deficiency in mobility in the hip, knee, or ankle joints. secondly, it helps us identify muscle weaknesses in the lower back, hip, or ankle…


Knee Cap Cartilage Tear

Knee Cap Cartilage Tear
June 28, 2018

Chondromalacia patellae is a condition affecting the knee cap (also known as the patella bone) at the knee joint which results because the cartilage of the knee cap softens and undergoes wear and tear. Pain & crepitus are most often experienced in and around the knee cap. You may experience difficulty in walking, running, climbing or descending stairs due to pain. This condition is seen more commonly in women than…