How to treat Achilles Tendinopathy

August 11, 2022

Achilles Tendon injury is the third most common sports injury in the area of the foot, after ankle sprains and plantar fasciitis. The prevalence of the injury is estimated to be 11% of all running injuries in athletes. One-fourth of the Achilles tendinopathies is located at lower portion of the back of the heel Middle-aged male athletes are considered to have a greater risk of developing Achilles Tendon injury, although…


The Running Shoe ?

The Running Shoe ?
August 3, 2018

As more and more people resort to running for health and fitness, so have the number of  Running injuries increased. A visit to Physiocure we can help you educate with the foot types, shoe designs and a simple examination can reveal which foot type you run with and is your current running shoe good enough. When we happened to interact with our professional runners on how they choose their shoes, we were…