Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain
August 14, 2018

Shoulder pain is a common problem which lot of regular or athletic population face during their life time. However, identifying the source of this shoulder pain can get better insights to the resolution of the problem. Understanding shoulder pain This requires knowledge of the structures involved the activity which lead to the pain and the present or past history of events. For example, a regular individual who complains of shoulder…


Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator Cuff Injuries
August 14, 2018

With advance in newer treatment techniques, it is imperative as a physio for me to make you understand different kinds of shoulder pains. Another reason to pursue this topic is to provide readers help for rotator cuff pain and understand the differences in rotator cuff pain vs frozen shoulders. In this article we will be discussing mainly about Rotator cuff injuries (RCI)  which occur in normal individuals. RCI includes the…


Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
August 13, 2018

After coming across the normal thought process of most patients visiting our clinic, we decided to put forward a small write up to make a layman understand that “not all shoulder pains are frozen shoulders”. It is estimated that 30% of people will experience shoulder pain sometime during life (Lewis 2009b, p. 259). ‘The incidence of shoulder pain increases substantially with age, and for people over 65 years of age…


Meniscal Injuries

Meniscal Injuries
August 10, 2018

It’s high time a layman knows some facts about meniscal injuries that happen while playing various sports. one of them and the most important being u don’t need surgery to recover properly from a meniscal tear!! This Meniscal injury is common in sports such as football, rugby and other high-intensity contact sports but is also common, with no major trauma, as degenerative tears in older athletes or sedentary individuals. They…


Patellar Tendinopathy

Patellar Tendinopathy
August 9, 2018

Patellar tendinopathy is a common painful, overuse disorder, often presenting with knee pain in the front portion below the knee cap area.Also commonly known as Runner’s knee or Jumper’s knee. A thorough history and physical examination are necessary, but imaging can also aid in the diagnosis. The majority of cases resolve with physiotherapy. Once patients pass the initial inflammatory phase and remain symptomatic, treatment becomes more difficult. Let us first…


Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
August 8, 2018

Pain in front portion of the knee, in and around the knee cap (Patella) is known as Anterior Knee Pain. This is a broad term which includes number of diagnosis like Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) and patellar tendinopathy. As per research around 20-40% knee injuires are reported in this area while playing any kind of sports. Distinguishing between PFPS and Patellar Tendinopathy as a cause of front knee pain…



August 6, 2018

Running is one of the most popular sports in the world. This not only covers marathons and track and field running – running is also part of the training in virtually all other sports, including soccer, rugby, handball and triathlon. Modified levels and intensities of running can also be used as alternative training for most athletes with certain types of injuries Running is a very efficient method for maintaining or…


The Running Shoe ?

The Running Shoe ?
August 3, 2018

As more and more people resort to running for health and fitness, so have the number of  Running injuries increased. A visit to Physiocure we can help you educate with the foot types, shoe designs and a simple examination can reveal which foot type you run with and is your current running shoe good enough. When we happened to interact with our professional runners on how they choose their shoes, we were…


Training For The Mumbai Marathon….Try Deep Water Running

Training For The Mumbai Marathon….Try Deep Water Running
August 2, 2018

With Mumbai marathon scheduled in January of each year, all those who’ve been taking up training for professionals for the marathon, here’s a different way of treating if you are injured or recovering if you think the training has gone too intense. Individuals who perform land based training exercises such as running or jogging, may be required to discontinue that activity if an injury occurs which may require discontinuing running…


Bad Posture Vs Good Posture

Bad Posture Vs Good Posture
August 2, 2018

Good posture is a good habit that contributes to the wellbeing of the individual. The structure and function of the body provide the potential for attaining and maintaining good posture. Conversely, Bad posture is a bad habit and, unfortunately, is all too common . Postural faults have their origin in the misuse of the capacities provided by the body, not in the structure and function of the normal body.(1) If…