Prevention Exercises and Tips For ACL Injury

Prevention Exercises and Tips For ACL Injury
July 26, 2018

    As Indians are adopting to more sporting lifestyle to maintain fitness or for leisure, the number of ACL tears reported has risen drastically. Earlier the age groups were either sporting population, females or accidental ACL Tears but, recently young adolescents playing sports like Football, Kabaddi, Cricket, etc have incurred ACL tears along with the existing categories. Despite thousands of research articles and investigations, the fact that we can…


Why Do You Get ACL Injuries

Why Do You Get ACL Injuries
July 26, 2018

Sometimes knowing just why do you get ACL injuries can help u clear your mind and take the next step well. The reason I came up with a separate article on why do ACL injuries occur is that I’ve met more than 100 clients who experienced confusion, mind fogging or anxiety post their injury and were not able to decide what next step to take. obviously when you incur the…


ACL Injury

ACL Injury
July 26, 2018

Knee injuries, especially the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)  injuries, are a potentially devastating problem among athletes and impose substantial time loss in a player’s career and financial burdens on athletes’ families and the healthcare system. In this blog we intend inform about exercises for ACL recovery as well. ACL INJURY STATISTICS:- This study of level 4 evidence conducted on Indian athletes revealed that ACL injuries compromised 86.5% of all the…


Acute Injury Management

Acute Injury Management
July 26, 2018

Musculoskeletal or sports injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising. There are two kinds of injuries: Acute injuries occur suddenly when playing or exercising. For example: Sprained ankles. Strained backs. Broken bones. Chronic injuries happen after you play a sport or exercise for a long time. The first 24-48 hours after sustaining a soft tissue injury are crucial in ensuring the best outcome for healing.  As a general rule,…


Squats During Pregnancy

Squats During Pregnancy
July 17, 2018

Each woman has a different take on pregnancy based on the lifestyle, culture, general fitness, complications accompanied with the pregnancy. In this article we want to show research based benefits of squats during a “HEALTHY PREGNANCY”. We strictly advise your to consult a gynaecologist and your ANC consultant before you try these exercises. Research shows that exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on the pregnancy and labour. Similarly performing…


Overhead Squat Assesment

Overhead Squat Assesment
July 13, 2018

Are you a sports professional, an athlete, or a fitness freak, do you succumb to lower-body injuries very easily or do you want to correct your body alignment??? How can a squat assessment help you? Basically, a squat assessment can help us gauge the possibility of deficiency in mobility in the hip, knee, or ankle joints. secondly, it helps us identify muscle weaknesses in the lower back, hip, or ankle…


Effects of Exercises in Pregnancy

Effects of Exercises in Pregnancy
July 11, 2018

For long now, women have been scared away from exercising during pregnancy, but there are more and more articles floating on the web talking about all the positive effects of exercising during a normal pregnancy. At Physiocure, we advise all women with a normal pregnancy to adopt some form of safe prenatal exercises to have an even better and injury-free time, once their baby arrives.   Current studies indicate that…


Safe Exercises In Preganacy

Safe Exercises In Preganacy
July 11, 2018

Safely exercising during pregnancy has more perks than dangers. I have mentioned in almost all my pre and postnatal articles, that when u are able to exercise throughout your pregnancy, it prepares your body well for childbirth as well as for postpartum issues you may face. In this article, I will be covering a range of Do’s and Dont’s in terms during pregnancy to exercise safely. ACTIVITIES TO AVOID:- Activities…


Pregnancy And Exercises

Preganancy And Exercises
July 11, 2018

Currently a very small % of women exercise at the recommended levels in India. In fact most obstetricians recommended avoiding exercise. There are lot of myths in terms of exercising during pregnancy, namely Physical activity has detrimental effects such as increasing body temperature. There is an increased risk of congenital abnormalities. Shifting oxygenated blood & energy away from the developing foetus, thus leading to disturbance in growth of the baby….


Tips To Prevent Neck Pain

Tips To Prevent Neck Pain
July 6, 2018

Avoid slouching during sitting, standing or lying down. Always try to keep your head in line with your shoulders and not let it rest forward. If you use an office computer, the desk should be at appropriate height such that the screen is at eye level. Also, the chair or the desk should have good forearm support available with shoulders relaxed at the side of the body. Sitting in front…